Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The everlasting war

A few nights ago, maybe three, or possibly two, anyways, a few nights ago, I discovered I had an I-dog, a gift from a friend a few birthdays ago. It kept me up ALL night, so I decided to write. I was too lazy to get up, to my notebook where I keep all my poems, so I began to write on my Ipod touch, something I have based upon the shore of the beach on my recent vacation there last week.

The Everlasting war
The waves crash onto the morning shore
The rocks and the waves are at each other once again
Fighting to see which gets to stay on the shore
The rocks defense is to stand still, completely rooted in the sand.
The waves however, are constantly on offense trying to get the rocks to move
This goes on all day, and all night
And into the morning
When the sun rises the next day
The rocks are still standing
They had won this battle.
The waves became angry and begin to strike once again
But each side never got tired
And the war continued to last

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