Thursday, July 22, 2010

The waves crash onto to the morning shore

bringing tales from places they have been

as the other creatures gather around to hear

the stories seem to come to life right in front of their eyes

out sails a teacup from europe

a porcelian doll from china

and a diamond necklace from india

each share their stories

of the places they have been

and the things that they have seen

and the stories that they heard

and the things that they smelt

and all the creatures listen

hungry for more,

happy to learn of everywhere these things have been

which inspires each to set out in the ocean themselves

and have adventures of their own.


pink dogwood said...

like it :)

keep on writing.

Tillybud said...

Hello Meghana, I just popped over from your Mom's blog. This is so evocative, I can just picture all the creatures standing there at the water's edge. Like one of those dream-like watercolour illustrations. You are very talented!!