Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Years Everyone

Hi, i know i havent written in a while but i just wrote this one, and i want you all to hear it:


A new year has come upon us
And brings forth a close to the last

It was terribly short in some ways
Yet it seems to have lasted forever

We shall never forget the times we have enjoyed
And the new experiences that came to us

The challenges that we had faced are all behind us
But brings new adventures to come

As life continues to move on
Happy New Years everyone

2010 :)

Monday, December 7, 2009

Living life is amusing at first
then it becomes a struggle to discover yourself inside
then you are depressed for a while,
then you're bouncing around living life like your supposed to, with love, enthusiasm, and fun hung in the air and despair all but hidden beneath the rug.
Find where you are and be sure to...
continue having fun,
take time and really discover yourself,
think about why you truely are depressed, and if it makes sense to be depressed,
and when the aroma of love and enthusiasm are hung in the air, enjoy yourself as long as u can,and may it be, forever.

I made that up on the spot and was going to make it my status for something, it said it was too long so I put it here instead

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Tthe first Snow of the Year!


I'm terribly sorry I haven't been writing in so long, I've been working on a story that I'm writing, in hopes that it will be finished soon. Anyways, I also would have written the poem that I entered in a contest at school, but I only have a rough draft the final draft is in my teachers flash drive... i should get it. But in my neighborhood, it has just snowed a couple of inches over one, but i don't know how many, anyways, it's the first snow of the season. Yay! I played with my dogs and sister earlier today (I beat her in a snowball fight, running through the cars, she surrendered because she got cold, I had gotten cold before her, but i couldn't lose to her so I went on) So, this is about that snowfall.


Coming at an unrealistic pace
drifting, slowly, to the ground
landing upon everything
covering the Earth in a huge blanket of white
Falling, slowly for hours on end
from the early morning to the dark night
Icicles hanging on trees

Then melting away, slowly
as the sun begins to tear at the blanket
riping in places
falling off in others
this is
the first snowfall
of the year