Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Willow Tree

I wrote this, oh so long ago, and I just remembered I haven't posted this, so this is here for you.

written on 6-25-09.

The Willow Tree

Down by the creak, the willow lies,
peacefully resting it's leaves. Its long, long thoughts
brush into the water making the water glow. All of the
animals, the birds, bees, and fish all come near to
figure out what this is. This magical moment fills through the night, waiting upon something to come.
It leaves hunch and fall into the water, waiting, simply waiting for something. Then when the sun rises, high into the sky, the willow wakes up, and begins her day, fulfilling all of her duties that need to be done. And of course each task was given to her superior, the high, all mighty God. She does each task without a complaint, for she knows without her, many creatures would lose all that they had: a home, a shelter, and a friend.


pRiyA said...


pink dogwood said...

very nice Meghana :)

Shails said...

This is really beautiful.Keep it up!

Sylvia K said...

So very beautiful, Meghana! Love your words to go with the lovely photo. And, yes, keep it up! You are a wonderful writer.

Have a great day!


Nishant said...

Very nice set of sayings. Love the one about "Being perfect is not everything..

Work From Home