Monday, August 24, 2009

The puzzle of your life

Today, I made my dad start a mickey mouse puzzle that is made of thousands of disney scenes - 1026 pieces to be exact, and even though I suck at puzzles, my dad's amazing. I got the rest of the family to join in. While we were starting the puzzle I came up with this poem called the puzzle of life.

The Puzzle Of Life

Your life starts out with one puzzle piece,
Then they add on as you go on,
Each memory, even if you don't remember it,
will be there.
Each mistake, each tear, each smile.
All are there.
Never to be forgotten.
Each piece comes after the next,
perfectly fitting in place.
And when you're old and gone,
there it is.
The completed puzzle of your life.


pRiyA said...

thats a beautiful poem. gives me a lot to think about...

Sylvia K said...

How very beautiful indeed! There are a lot of things that I suck at, too, so I can relate. Your words, poems stories always delight me! And it's always fun to come here and read both yours and your Mom's post! Always brighten my day or evening!