Sunday, December 6, 2009

Tthe first Snow of the Year!


I'm terribly sorry I haven't been writing in so long, I've been working on a story that I'm writing, in hopes that it will be finished soon. Anyways, I also would have written the poem that I entered in a contest at school, but I only have a rough draft the final draft is in my teachers flash drive... i should get it. But in my neighborhood, it has just snowed a couple of inches over one, but i don't know how many, anyways, it's the first snow of the season. Yay! I played with my dogs and sister earlier today (I beat her in a snowball fight, running through the cars, she surrendered because she got cold, I had gotten cold before her, but i couldn't lose to her so I went on) So, this is about that snowfall.


Coming at an unrealistic pace
drifting, slowly, to the ground
landing upon everything
covering the Earth in a huge blanket of white
Falling, slowly for hours on end
from the early morning to the dark night
Icicles hanging on trees

Then melting away, slowly
as the sun begins to tear at the blanket
riping in places
falling off in others
this is
the first snowfall
of the year


pink dogwood said...

It was so beautiful - so is your poem :)

Meghana said...

lol yea, It's good to be back writing poems, I've been absent for so long, although I'm still waiting for the reflections contest piece to put up

Nishant said...

Love the one about "Being perfect is not everything..

Work From Home