Saturday, July 18, 2009

The first poem I wrote

This is the first poem I wrote that inspired my mom to tell me to write a poem each day. I wrote it in like February or March, around the 2nd Quarter of my school year, and my mom found it digging through my papers to find things for me to study over the summer. Here it is, Hope you like it :

I hear whispers amongst me,
each telling a tale of wonder.
About dragons, princesses and knights.
Oh, how I long to be,
inside those beautiful tales,
to see the valleys,
and the streams,
oh, how I long to be,
inbetween the pages of a book.

Hope you liked it!
Thank you! :)


pink dogwood said...

you already know that I love it :)

yelena_r said...

Meghana - I love this poem the most!!! I so remember feeing the same way :) although I wouldn't be able to express it as well as you do :) yelena

Meghana said...

Thank you!!!! :)

ArtPropelled said...

It would be wonderful to slip into the stories we read but then I suppose that is what reading is all about....letting our imagination whisk us away into the story.
Beautiful poem, Meghana.

Meghana said...

Yes I agree, I always try to convince my friends to read more, my family and friends often say I read too much, and actually tell me to stop reading! And I alway tell my friends, reading is like taking a story and just imagining it anyway you want, where you can turn yourself or anyone you imagine into characters in the story like TV in your head but better! But you can never fully explain the pleasure of reading, it is different to each person.

Thanks so much!