Saturday, July 25, 2009


The other Day a Rainbow had appeared in the sky behind our house. My mom and I were fascinated by its beauty that we walked up and down the hill next to our vegetable garden on the side of our house until the rainbow faded away.
So here is the poem I wrote on July 2nd when a different rainbow was in the sky, and above is the picture I drew today of a rainbow:

The pot of gold at the end of each rainbow,
is it really always there?
Many people, who don't enjoy life as it is
have a tendency to be greedy.
Why can't they, as I often do, look at the rainbow,
and smile.
The rainbow is a very beautiful thing, given to us
by god.
All you want to do is stop life for a few moments and marvel at it's beauty.
But life has to go on. Each second ticking away.
Something special and unique about rainbows,
is the fact that you can't cut them down, no matter how hard you try.
You just can't.
Unlike the trees.
You just can't.
They come and go as they please.
There's no telling when the next one coming.
It's a secret surprise lurking around the corner,
coming, to brighten up your day!


pink dogwood said...

That was a beautiful rainbow that we saw - you have captured it beautifully.

Meghana said...

Thanks Mom!